Lilium philadelphicum

Other Scientific Name(s):
Common Name(s): Wood Lily
Family Name:
Plant Type:
Native Range: sAB, seAB, swAB, seBC, SK, MB, ON, QC
Habitat: Roadsides
Wildlife Benefit: attracts beneficial insects, attracts butterflies, attracts hummingbirds, attracts pollinators

General Description

Flower Colour: orange
Blooming Season:
Fruit Type:
Fruit Colour:
Fruiting Season:
Height at maturity: 30 - 100 cm (0' 11" - 3' 3")

Growing Conditions


General Interest


Gardener's Notes

This native lily, also known as the Western Wood Lily, Prairie Lily and Western Red Lily, was officially adopted in 1941. It grows from southeastern British Columbia to Quebec in tallgrass prairie, open woods and along roadsides. One to three large orange-red flowers sit atop a 30 to 100 centimetre tall stem in June and July. They have six petals arranged in an upright bell fashion. Close to the center, petals are paler with dark purple spots — the same colour as its stamens. Wood Lily leaves

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Colleen Sayer Dave Hughes Laurenz Baars
Sherry Hambly


While we have made every effort to provide sufficient and accurate information, we recommend you use this as a springboard in planning your garden. For additional help in determining if plants are suitable for your garden, please consult with a nursery with native plant expertise. Our native plant supplier list will help you find one near you. And although we have included some beneficial non-native plants we highly recommend plants native to your region.

Ensure plants are not wild collected as this has a detrimental effect on our natural areas.

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